
Get to know me

Three words to describe my teaching style would be motivational, accessible and uplifting.  My classes are feel-good and energizing so you can expect to leave with a smile on your face – you’re going to have so much fun, I’m always going to celebrate your successes, and push you when I know you need it. My favorite day of the week is Friday FULL BODY, and my playlist genre of choice is middle school dance remix.

On a personal note, I can’t live without my golden retriever Elphaba OR if really just one word, pasta and my guilty pleasure is I’m fully completely obsessed with Survivor. My friends would say I’m always there for you, down for a spontaneous adventure, live for anything that involves special treats or dogs.

 Instagram: @samirosendahlthal


Northern California

Castro, FiDi, Marina, Burlingame

Palo Alto

Palo Alto

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